The U.W.W.B. is a group I created for me and my friends. It stands for [i dont even know. if you do,] and I plan on eventually getting a webring running for it once their sites are passable as websites (same with mine actually. like what is even the background, this text is barely readable without highlighting it) and it might be cool (might).
If you want to check the webring out, then follow the webring by clicking here or on any of the
stickers buttons thingies images on our websites
You're seeing the message above because youre not seeing this through my beautifully constructed <iframe> and you're missing out on a navigation menu at the top of the screen that lets you change between sections "really fast"
(ps : youre propbably here because of the button not working. If thats the case, and you didnt type the thing into the address bar or come from an external source to the websites in the ring, let me know at I have probably forgotten to add a website to the ring, or someone has added the button to their site. That's cool too) p>